On Drawing Ethan

Drawing of Ethan Gutmann by Paula Wilson
I approached Ethan Gutmann June 2018. I had been aware of him since is second book launched in 2014 - The Slaughter : Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to its Dissident problem.
I had seen him speak at the second round table on Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China, in the UK parliament in April 2018, along with other world authorities on this grave issue, and it was hosted by my MP Fiona Bruce who is the Chair of the Conservative Human Rights Commission in the UK. Thank God for that.
Why did I approach Ethan? I had been drawn to doing so for a while and whilst I haven't yet read the investigation - Bloody Harvest by David Matas and David Kilgour, I had eventually read Ethan's book whilst on holiday in Devon 2017. I found it accessible and easy to read and brought me closer to understanding a little more about the real situation in China.
I highly recommend the following links to discover more about the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong and the organ transplant abuse ongoing at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against prisoners of conscience - Falun Gong practitioners; Tibetans; Christians and Uyghurs.
